Buildings & Grounds.
Buildings & Grounds.
Public Buildings & Grounds
The Public Buildings and Grounds Department is responsible for maintaining all city owned buildings and grounds. The forestry staff, which is responsible for all city owned trees, also operates through this department. A variety of services are available to citizens upon request. These services may be requested on-line through see click fix 3-1-1 request system. Your request will be logged and addressed in a timely matter and you can track the status through 3-1-1.
Services Provided Include
Right of way tree planting and removal when warranted, right of way tree trimming when necessary, graffiti removal, and brush pick up. During the growing season brush pick-up is a weekly function of the Forestry Division. Pile your brush next to the curb on your trash pick-up day and your brush will be removed. During the winter months you must arrange for pick-up with a call or through see click fix 3-1-1.
Please contact Borden Waste Away for trash and large item/appliance pick-up.
Trash service is contracted by the city; therefore this function is not performed directly by city staff.
Citizens should contact the Buildings and Grounds office regarding any concerns relating to maintenance of city-owned facilities and grounds.

Building & Grounds
The Division of Buildings and Grounds is responsible for maintaining all city owned buildings and grounds. The forestry staff, which is responsible for all city owned trees, also operates through this division.A variety of services are available to citizens upon request. These services may be requested on-line through this web site’s Action Center or by contacting the Buildings and Grounds office. Staff is available to register your concerns.
Services Provided Include
Right of way tree planting and removal when warranted, right of way tree trimming when necessary, graffiti removal, and brush pick up. During the growing season brush pick-up is a weekly function of the Forestry Division. Pile your brush next to the curb on your trash pick-up day and your brush will be removed. During the winter months you must arrange for pick-up with a call or through the Action Center.
Please contact Bordens Waste Away for trash and large item/appliance pick-up.
Trash service is contracted by the city; therefore this function is not performed directly by city staff.
Citizens should contact the Buildings and Grounds office regarding any concerns relating to maintenance of city-owned facilities and grounds.

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