
Rod Roberson Mayor


Mayor’s Office.


I’m so glad you’re here. The goal of unparalleled service is at the forefront of our minds each and every day. We are here to serve you and make the City of Elkhart a better place to live and work.
This website was designed with that goal of unparalleled service as the top priority. From leaf pickup to building permits to job applications and more, we hope this website is your one-stop-shop for all things Elkhart.
Mayor Rod Roberson

Rod Roberson

Mayor’s Staff

Mayor’s Office.

I’m so glad you’re here. The goal of unparalleled service is at the forefront of our minds each and every day. We are here to serve you and make the City of Elkhart a better place to live and work.
This website was designed with that goal of unparalleled service as the top priority. From leaf pickup to building permits to job applications and more, we hope this website is your one-stop-shop for all things Elkhart.
Mayor Rod Roberson

Mayor’s Staff.

Megan Erwin
Megan ErwinChief of Staff
Danielle Neal
Danielle NealOffice Manager and Administrative Assistant to the Mayor
Alex Otto
Alex OttoDirector of Communications
Patricia Gorostieta
Patricia GorostietaCommunity Outreach
Ashley Hughes
Ashley HughesAdministrative Assistant

229 S 2nd St. Elkhart, IN


Common Council.

229 S 2nd St. Elkhart, IN


Aaron Mishler (D)
Aaron Mishler (D)1st District Councilor
Dwight Fish (D)
Dwight Fish (D)4th District Councilor
Tonda Hines (D)
Tonda Hines (D)At-Large Councilor
Chad Crabtree (D)
Chad Crabtree (D)2nd District Councilor
H. Brent Curry (D)
H. Brent Curry (D)5th District Councilor
Arvis Dawson (D)
Arvis Dawson (D)At-Large Councilor
David E. Henke (R)
David E. Henke (R)3rd District Councilor
LaTonya King (D)
LaTonya King (D)6th District Councilor
Alex Holtz (D)
Alex Holtz (D)At-Large Councilor
Aaron Mishler (D)
Aaron Mishler (D)1st District Councilor
Chad Crabtree (D)
Chad Crabtree (D)2nd District Councilor
David E. Henke (R)
David E. Henke (R)3rd District Councilor
Dwight Fish (D)
Dwight Fish (D)4th District Councilor
Tonda Hines (D)
Tonda Hines (D)At-Large Councilor
H. Brent Curry (D)
H. Brent Curry (D)5th District Councilor
LaTonya King (D)
LaTonya King (D)6th District Councilor
Arvis Dawson (D)
Arvis Dawson (D)At_Large Councilor
Alex Holtz (D)
Alex Holtz (D)At-Large Councilor

Click here for

Council District Maps.

The Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, except when such a Monday is a City holiday.
Click on this link to view the 2024 City Council Meeting schedule.

Please call City Hall at 574-294-5471 ext. 1053 for any questions for Common Council Members.

The Council Agenda and Packet is available to the public to view prior to the council meeting. The packet and agenda will be made available the Thursday before the Monday Council meeting.
Click on this link to view the upcoming council packet, agenda, and viewing instructions for remote participation for each meeting.
The Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, except when such a Monday is a City holiday.
Click on this link to view the 2024 City Council Meeting schedule.

Please call City Hall at 574-294-5471 ext. 1053 for any questions for Common Council Members.

The Council Agenda and Packet is available to the public to view prior to the council meeting. The packet and agenda will be made available the Thursday before the Monday Council meeting.
Click on this link to view the upcoming council packet, agenda, and viewing instructions for remote participation for each meeting.

City Clerk.

City Clerk.

City Council



Arvis Dawson*, Alex Holtz, David Henke

Public Health & Safety

Aaron Mishler*, Brent Curry, David Henke

Planning & Development

Chad Crabtree*, Tonda Hines, David Henke

Public Works & Improvements

Dwight Fish*, Tonda Hines, David Henke

Arts & Culture

LaTonya King*, Dwight Fish, David Henke

Internal Controls

Brent Curry*, Alex Holtz, David Henke

*Denotes Committee Chairperson.

Dwight Fish will serve as Council Vice-President and Aaron Mishler will serve as Council Parliamentarian.

Deer Image
City Clerk

Council Liaisons to Boards & Commission.

Board of Aviation Commissioners

Dwight Fish

Redevelopment Commission

Alex Holtz

Board of Public Safety

Chad Crabtree

Board of Public Works

Chad Crabtree

Historic & Cultural Preservation

David Henke


Dwight Fish

Board of Parks and Recreation

LaTonya King

Plan Commission

Aaron Mishler

Board of Zoning Appeals

Tonda Hines

Lerner Theatre Board

Aaron Mishler

Human Relations Commission

Brent Curry

Elkhart Urban Enterprise Association

Tonda Hines

Police Merit Commission

Arvis Dawson

Fire Merit Commission

Aaron Mishler

Boards & Commission.


Arvis Dawson*, Alex Holtz, David Henke

Public Health & Safety

Aaron Mishler*, Brent Curry, David Henke

Planning & Development

Chad Crabtree*, Tonda Hines, David Henke

Public Works & Improvements

Dwight Fish*, Tonda Hines, David Henke

Arts & Culture

LaTonya King*, Dwight Fish, David Henke

Internal Controls

Brent Curry*, Alex Holtz, David Henke

*Denotes Committee Chairperson.

Dwight Fish will serve as Council Vice-President and Aaron Mishler will serve as Council Parliamentarian.

Board of Aviation Commissioners

Dwight Fish

Redevelopment Commission

Alex Holtz

Board of Public Safety

Chad Crabtree

Board of Public Works

Chad Crabtree

Historic & Cultural Preservation

David Henke


Dwight Fish

Board of Parks and Recreation

LaTonya King

Plan Commission

Aaron Mishler

Board of Zoning Appeals

Tonda Hines

Lerner Theatre Board

Aaron Mishler

Human Relations Commission

Brent Curry

Elkhart Urban Enterprise Association

Tonda Hines

Police Merit Commission

Arvis Dawson

Fire Merit Commission

Aaron Mishler
Deer Image

City Departments.

City Departments.

Located 3 miles northwest of the city, the Municipal airport is one of the busiest general aviation airports in northern Indiana. The Aviation Association of Indiana’s Fall 2012 report lists the Elkhart Municipal Airport’s economic impact return to the community at $197,000,000 annually! More than 1,520 jobs earning an average salary of $69,000 would not exist if not for the presence of the  Elkhart Municipal Airport. Or as we like to say, “No Plane No Gain”.
The Building & Code Enforcement Department
  • Building- Conducts inspections of new structures, additions and renovations of existing structures within the city limits. There are 4 Inspectors, Building, Electrical, Mechanical (HVAC), and Plumbing, who report to the Building Commissioner.
  • Code Enforcement- In efforts of maintaining a clean and safe city, Code Enforcement Officers conduct inspections of properties for compliance with minimum housing standards, property maintenance, trash, and tall grass and weed ordinances. There are three Code Enforcement Officers that patrol assigned areas of the City and report to the Building Commissioner.
  • Permit Center – Responsible for issuing all construction permits, contractor license & registration renewals, and maintaining property files.
The staff at the Cemetery Department is responsible for all burials and entombments that take place in Rice, Grace Lawn, and Prairie Street Cemeteries as well as the mowing, trimming, and maintenance of the grounds.

We will assist the public with the selection of burial spaces, mausoleum crypts, and niches for cremated remains for both at-need and future need, as well as offering help in locating hard to find burials and genealogy requests.

The mission of the Elkhart City Communications Center is to provide timely and appropriate responses to requests for assistance, regardless of severity, to the residents and guests of the City.
This is accomplished by:
  • Providing high quality, efficient, and seamless communications support for our public safety professionals;
  • Providing the highest possible level of pre-arrival help to the Citizens, be it either assistance with a minor complaint or breathing life back into a loved one;
  • Facilitating the development of highly trained, proficient, dedicated and self-motivated personnel;
  • Constantly seeking ways to improve the quality of services we provide to the community;
  • Living up to our motto of “Seconds Saves Lives”.
The City of Elkhart Community Development staff is dedicated to working with the citizens of Elkhart and the Redevelopment Commission to help meet the needs of an ever changing community. From daily interaction with community members to the five year Consolidated Plan and its annual updates, the Community Development staff works with citizens to create a strong, vibrant Elkhart. We assist citizens with a variety of programs and services as detailed in the Consolidated Plan.
The department also manages the Neighborhood Stabilization Program and other projects for the Elkhart Redevelopment Commission that include the sale of renovated homes and vacant land. The renovated homes provide home ownership opportunities for families and individuals looking for a home with character and charm that can be found in older homes. The vacant land provide new construction opportunities for developers or individuals looking to build a new home or rental units in the City near downtown neighborhoods. For more information see the related pages section below for the list of available properties.  If you have questions or are interested in any of the properties, please contact George Byers at for details.
The Economic Development staff are here to connect you with resources and programs to expand or locate your business in the City of Elkhart.  The Economic Development Department is responsible for the administration of several economic development incentives and programs, including:
  • Tax Phase-ins for real and personal property
  • Providing support letters for Riverfront Development District licenses
  • Small business loan funds through the Aurora Capital Development Corporation (ACDC)
  • Providing staff support for the Economic Development Corporation
The Elkhart Environmental Center is an environmental education facility that opened in 1991 on a remediated city dump. It has over 66 acres of dedicated trails, prairie grass, wetlands, and riverfront. The Center offers educational programs & eventsfield trips, and volunteer opportunities for the public.
The Mission of the Elkhart Emergency Management Department is to support the Police and Fire Department in non-enforcement services and to provide assistance to other City Departments and civic groups throughout the Elkhart community.

The Emergency Management Department provides the following services:

  • Assistance in disaster response and during severe weather
  • Assistance in traffic control for the Police and Fire Departments
  • Assistance the Police Department in patrolling specific areas of the City
  • Assistance at City events such as the Air Show, the July fireworks and events at the Lerner Theater
  • Work with Elkhart County Emergency Management
  • Work with various civic groups
The Elkhart Fire Department has served the community since 1867.  Over the past 150 years EFD has expanded into a full career department, achieving an ISO 2 protection class in the spring of 2017, by providing an all-hazards emergency response and numerous fire prevention and risk reduction programs that span just over 30 square miles, to the City of Elkhart.

Service is delivered by 129 firefighters through seven fire stations, staffing six engines, three ambulances, one quint, and one aerial as front line apparatus. In addition, the fire department provides cross staffing of apparatus which include an ambulance, Aircraft Rescue Firefighting apparatus (ARFF), Wildland apparatus, an aerial apparatus, Hazmat response apparatus, and water rescue/dive apparatus that are ready to respond when needed.

Our City workers are who we depend on to get the job done.  The City of Elkhart Human Resources Department (HR) serves those who serve our community.  HR is the hub of a highly diverse workforce stretched throughout twenty-eight (28) departments performing a variety of functions to provide needed services within the City.
The staff members of the HR department manages and maintains employee wage and benefit programs, personnel records, and services for 600 – 800 full-time, part-time, and seasonal employees.  HR is instrumental in the hiring of new members of the City workforce from job posting through orientation and continuing with advising and assisting each employee in achieving success in a career in public service.  HR also oversees compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations regarding all employment related issues including workers’ compensation, equal opportunity, affirmative action and safety. We coordinate with all other City departments in regards to employee needs and management.
The department serves primarily in a support role within the city organization, and the attorneys in the Department are responsible for providing legal counsel and representation to public officials, employees, boards, and commissions of the City relating to the affairs of municipal government.

Built in an Adamesque style, the Lerner Theatre’s facade features four two-story tall Ionic columns with three large arches in between. The pilasters to each side are in a Renaissance Doric style.

The classical theme is carried to the inside, with ornate multi-colored inlaid marble floors on the main lobby and lounge floors. The auditorium, with its domed ceiling, huge chandelier and balcony, resembles a European opera house of the 19th Century. Its large stage and proscenium arch are decorated with gilded plasterwork and the seats are covered in deep red upholstery.

The original Lerner Theatre was instantly a success when it opened in 1924, with Vaudeville acts and early motion pictures playing to packed houses. The Lerner was hailed as a true theatrical palace – the area’s finest theater.

Of course, the best way to learn more about The Lerner is to get tickets to a show!

The National New York Central Railroad Museum, located in Elkhart, Ind., recaptures the glory days when America’s railroads were symbols of progress and goodwill ambassadors across the country. The Museum was founded in 1987 and is an ever-growing preservation site of both local and national railroad heritage pertaining to the New York Central System. The New York Central was once the second-largest railroad in the United States, with 11,000 route miles of track in eleven states and two Canadian provinces. Elkhart is a natural home for the Museum: the New York Central’s Robert R. Young Yard (now Norfolk Southern Railway’s Elkhart Yard) is the second-largest railroad freight classification yard east of the Mississippi River. Just as when the railroad first arrived in Elkhart in 1851, Elkhart functions as a vital link in the chain connecting the Atlantic Seaboard with the Midwest and beyond. The Museum’s goal is to tell the story of the vast New York Central System, and its predecessors and successors into the modern era.
The Planning and Zoning Department serves as the staff to the Plan CommissionBoard of Zoning Appeals, the Elkhart Historic and Cultural Preservation Commission, and the Plat Committee.  Planning and Zoning is also in charge of all enforcement of the zoning standards of the City as dictated by the Zoning Ordinance. In addition, Planning and Zoning reviews all building permits for compliance with the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Other responsibilities include floodplain management and community service, updating and maintaining the official Zoning Map, as well as preparing and updating the Comprehensive Plan.
For downloadable forms and application packages, please visit our Forms page.

For downloadable pdfs of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance, please click here.

For information on Technical Review, please click here.

The Elkhart Police Department is committed to partnering with our community. Through understanding and respecting a variety of cultures and concerns, and by developing relationships, we are dedicated to reducing crime, enhancing the quality of life for our citizens, and providing a safe place to live, work and visit.
  • Evaluate offenders to determine the best course of treatment
  • Provide offenders with resources to aid in rehabilitation
  • Discuss treatment options with offenders and arrange meetings with local treatment providers
  • Supervise offenders and monitor their progress
  • Conduct meetings with offenders to discuss their progress and needs
  • Write reports on the progress of offenders for the judge of Elkhart City Court
  • Attend meetings, seminars, and conferences as required
  • Perform all other duties as assigned
The Division of Buildings and Grounds is responsible for maintaining all city owned buildings and grounds. The forestry staff, which is responsible for all city owned trees, also operates through this division. Major responsibilities performed by  the Buildings and Grounds Division include: mowing, building maintenance, special event set up, maintaining city flower beds and landscaped areas, park maintenance, special facilities maintenance, snow plowing, holiday decorations, and some construction projects. Additionally, forestry staff is responsible for right of way tree planting, street tree trimming and removal, and the brush pick up program.
A variety of services are available to citizens upon request. These services may be re- quested on-line through this web site’s Action Center or by contacting the Buildings and Grounds office. Staff is available to register your concerns.
Services provided include: right of way tree planting and removal when warranted, right of way tree trimming when necessary, graffiti removal, and brush pick up. During the growing season brush pick-up is a weekly function of the Forestry Division. Pile your brush next to the curb on your trash pick-up day and your brush will be removed. During the winter months you must arrange for pick-up with a call or through the Action Center.
(Please contact Bordens Waste Away for trash and large item/appliance pick-up).
Trash service is contracted by the city; therefore this function is not performed directly by city staff.
Citizens should contact the Buildings and Grounds office regarding any concerns relating to maintenance of city owned facilities and grounds.
The Public Works & Utilities Department consists of a variety of different divisions with a common goal of providing vital city services to citizens of Elkhart. These divisions operate and maintain the City’s storm water conveyance system, drinking water supply and distribution system, wastewater collection system, and wastewater treatment.

At the Public Works & Utilities Department, our Mission is:

  • To serve as a reliable provider of City services
  • To provide these services at a reasonable cost
  • To maintain a customer focus
  • To serve as a steward of our natural resources for future generations
  • To foster professional excellence
The Street Department is responsible for leaf pick-up, clean-up of dead animals in the roadway, street repair and maintenance, sidewalk and curb repair and maintenance, and snow removal. Within the Street Department is the Traffic Division who is responsible for the average daily traffic in the roadway, signage, designating “yellow” no parking, constructing detour routes, handicap parking spaces, intersection improvement, neighborhood traffic concerns, school zone flashers, traffic signal installation & repairs, and truck routes.
Located 3 miles northwest of the city, the Municipal airport is one of the busiest general aviation airports in northern Indiana. The Aviation Association of Indiana’s Fall 2012 report lists the Elkhart Municipal Airport’s economic impact return to the community at $197,000,000 annually! More than 1,520 jobs earning an average salary of $69,000 would not exist if not for the presence of the  Elkhart Municipal Airport. Or as we like to say, “No Plane No Gain”.
The Building & Code Enforcement Department
  • Building- Conducts inspections of new structures, additions and renovations of existing structures within the city limits. There are 4 Inspectors, Building, Electrical, Mechanical (HVAC), and Plumbing, who report to the Building Commissioner.
  • Code Enforcement- In efforts of maintaining a clean and safe city, Code Enforcement Officers conduct inspections of properties for compliance with minimum housing standards, property maintenance, trash, and tall grass and weed ordinances. There are three Code Enforcement Officers that patrol assigned areas of the City and report to the Building Commissioner.
  • Permit Center – Responsible for issuing all construction permits, contractor license & registration renewals, and maintaining property files.
The staff at the Cemetery Department is responsible for all burials and entombments that take place in Rice, Grace Lawn, and Prairie Street Cemeteries as well as the mowing, trimming, and maintenance of the grounds.

We will assist the public with the selection of burial spaces, mausoleum crypts, and niches for cremated remains for both at-need and future need, as well as offering help in locating hard to find burials and genealogy requests.

The mission of the Elkhart City Communications Center is to provide timely and appropriate responses to requests for assistance, regardless of severity, to the residents and guests of the City.
This is accomplished by:
  • Providing high quality, efficient, and seamless communications support for our public safety professionals;
  • Providing the highest possible level of pre-arrival help to the Citizens, be it either assistance with a minor complaint or breathing life back into a loved one;
  • Facilitating the development of highly trained, proficient, dedicated and self-motivated personnel;
  • Constantly seeking ways to improve the quality of services we provide to the community;
  • Living up to our motto of “Seconds Saves Lives”.
The City of Elkhart Community Development staff is dedicated to working with the citizens of Elkhart and the Redevelopment Commission to help meet the needs of an ever changing community. From daily interaction with community members to the five year Consolidated Plan and its annual updates, the Community Development staff works with citizens to create a strong, vibrant Elkhart. We assist citizens with a variety of programs and services as detailed in the Consolidated Plan.
The department also manages the Neighborhood Stabilization Program and other projects for the Elkhart Redevelopment Commission that include the sale of renovated homes and vacant land. The renovated homes provide home ownership opportunities for families and individuals looking for a home with character and charm that can be found in older homes. The vacant land provide new construction opportunities for developers or individuals looking to build a new home or rental units in the City near downtown neighborhoods. For more information see the related pages section below for the list of available properties.  If you have questions or are interested in any of the properties, please contact George Byers at for details.
The Economic Development staff are here to connect you with resources and programs to expand or locate your business in the City of Elkhart.  The Economic Development Department is responsible for the administration of several economic development incentives and programs, including:
  • Tax Phase-ins for real and personal property
  • Providing support letters for Riverfront Development District licenses
  • Small business loan funds through the Aurora Capital Development Corporation (ACDC)
  • Providing staff support for the Economic Development Corporation
The Elkhart Environmental Center is an environmental education facility that opened in 1991 on a remediated city dump. It has over 66 acres of dedicated trails, prairie grass, wetlands, and riverfront. The Center offers educational programs & eventsfield trips, and volunteer opportunities for the public.
The Mission of the Elkhart Emergency Management Department is to support the Police and Fire Department in non-enforcement services and to provide assistance to other City Departments and civic groups throughout the Elkhart community.

The Emergency Management Department provides the following services:

  • Assistance in disaster response and during severe weather
  • Assistance in traffic control for the Police and Fire Departments
  • Assistance the Police Department in patrolling specific areas of the City
  • Assistance at City events such as the Air Show, the July fireworks and events at the Lerner Theater
  • Work with Elkhart County Emergency Management
  • Work with various civic groups
The Elkhart Fire Department has served the community since 1867.  Over the past 150 years EFD has expanded into a full career department, achieving an ISO 2 protection class in the spring of 2017, by providing an all-hazards emergency response and numerous fire prevention and risk reduction programs that span just over 30 square miles, to the City of Elkhart.

Service is delivered by 129 firefighters through seven fire stations, staffing six engines, three ambulances, one quint, and one aerial as front line apparatus. In addition, the fire department provides cross staffing of apparatus which include an ambulance, Aircraft Rescue Firefighting apparatus (ARFF), Wildland apparatus, an aerial apparatus, Hazmat response apparatus, and water rescue/dive apparatus that are ready to respond when needed.

The department serves primarily in a support role within the city organization, and the attorneys in the Department are responsible for providing legal counsel and representation to public officials, employees, boards, and commissions of the City relating to the affairs of municipal government.

Built in an Adamesque style, the Lerner Theatre’s facade features four two-story tall Ionic columns with three large arches in between. The pilasters to each side are in a Renaissance Doric style.

The classical theme is carried to the inside, with ornate multi-colored inlaid marble floors on the main lobby and lounge floors. The auditorium, with its domed ceiling, huge chandelier and balcony, resembles a European opera house of the 19th Century. Its large stage and proscenium arch are decorated with gilded plasterwork and the seats are covered in deep red upholstery.

The original Lerner Theatre was instantly a success when it opened in 1924, with Vaudeville acts and early motion pictures playing to packed houses. The Lerner was hailed as a true theatrical palace – the area’s finest theater.

Of course, the best way to learn more about The Lerner is to get tickets to a show!

The National New York Central Railroad Museum, located in Elkhart, Ind., recaptures the glory days when America’s railroads were symbols of progress and goodwill ambassadors across the country. The Museum was founded in 1987 and is an ever-growing preservation site of both local and national railroad heritage pertaining to the New York Central System. The New York Central was once the second-largest railroad in the United States, with 11,000 route miles of track in eleven states and two Canadian provinces. Elkhart is a natural home for the Museum: the New York Central’s Robert R. Young Yard (now Norfolk Southern Railway’s Elkhart Yard) is the second-largest railroad freight classification yard east of the Mississippi River. Just as when the railroad first arrived in Elkhart in 1851, Elkhart functions as a vital link in the chain connecting the Atlantic Seaboard with the Midwest and beyond. The Museum’s goal is to tell the story of the vast New York Central System, and its predecessors and successors into the modern era.
The Planning and Zoning Department serves as the staff to the Plan CommissionBoard of Zoning Appeals, the Elkhart Historic and Cultural Preservation Commission, and the Plat Committee.  Planning and Zoning is also in charge of all enforcement of the zoning standards of the City as dictated by the Zoning Ordinance. In addition, Planning and Zoning reviews all building permits for compliance with the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. Other responsibilities include floodplain management and community service, updating and maintaining the official Zoning Map, as well as preparing and updating the Comprehensive Plan.
For downloadable forms and application packages, please visit our Forms page.

For downloadable pdfs of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance, please click here.

For information on Technical Review, please click here.

The Elkhart Police Department is committed to partnering with our community. Through understanding and respecting a variety of cultures and concerns, and by developing relationships, we are dedicated to reducing crime, enhancing the quality of life for our citizens, and providing a safe place to live, work and visit.
  • Evaluate offenders to determine the best course of treatment
  • Provide offenders with resources to aid in rehabilitation
  • Discuss treatment options with offenders and arrange meetings with local treatment providers
  • Supervise offenders and monitor their progress
  • Conduct meetings with offenders to discuss their progress and needs
  • Write reports on the progress of offenders for the judge of Elkhart City Court
  • Attend meetings, seminars, and conferences as required
  • Perform all other duties as assigned
The Division of Buildings and Grounds is responsible for maintaining all city owned buildings and grounds. The forestry staff, which is responsible for all city owned trees, also operates through this division. Major responsibilities performed by  the Buildings and Grounds Division include: mowing, building maintenance, special event set up, maintaining city flower beds and landscaped areas, park maintenance, special facilities maintenance, snow plowing, holiday decorations, and some construction projects. Additionally, forestry staff is responsible for right of way tree planting, street tree trimming and removal, and the brush pick up program.
A variety of services are available to citizens upon request. These services may be re- quested on-line through this web site’s Action Center or by contacting the Buildings and Grounds office. Staff is available to register your concerns.
Services provided include: right of way tree planting and removal when warranted, right of way tree trimming when necessary, graffiti removal, and brush pick up. During the growing season brush pick-up is a weekly function of the Forestry Division. Pile your brush next to the curb on your trash pick-up day and your brush will be removed. During the winter months you must arrange for pick-up with a call or through the Action Center.
(Please contact Bordens Waste Away for trash and large item/appliance pick-up).
Trash service is contracted by the city; therefore this function is not performed directly by city staff.
Citizens should contact the Buildings and Grounds office regarding any concerns relating to maintenance of city owned facilities and grounds.
The Public Works & Utilities Department consists of a variety of different divisions with a common goal of providing vital city services to citizens of Elkhart. These divisions operate and maintain the City’s storm water conveyance system, drinking water supply and distribution system, wastewater collection system, and wastewater treatment.

At the Public Works & Utilities Department, our Mission is:

  • To serve as a reliable provider of City services
  • To provide these services at a reasonable cost
  • To maintain a customer focus
  • To serve as a steward of our natural resources for future generations
  • To foster professional excellence
The Street Department is responsible for leaf pick-up, clean-up of dead animals in the roadway, street repair and maintenance, sidewalk and curb repair and maintenance, and snow removal. Within the Street Department is the Traffic Division who is responsible for the average daily traffic in the roadway, signage, designating “yellow” no parking, constructing detour routes, handicap parking spaces, intersection improvement, neighborhood traffic concerns, school zone flashers, traffic signal installation & repairs, and truck routes.