Hively Overpass.
Hively Overpass.
Purpose and Need
The project is needed to address traffic congestion, lack of mobility, and safety concerns at the existing at-grade crossing of East Hively Avenue and Norfolk Southern Railroad.
- 6,000 vehicles traveling along Hively Avenue per day
- 70-100 trains per day
The purpose of the project is to improve mobility and safety within the project area by eliminating vehicle backups and congestion while maintaining, as much as possible, access and connectivity.
Project Description
The Hively Avenue Overpass Project (the Project) is part of the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) Local TRAX rail overpass program. The Local TRAX program is a partnership with INDOT, local communities, businesses, industry and railroads to improve the quality of life for residents through large scale rail related transportation projects. INDOT awarded the City of Elkhart a grant through the Local TRAX program for grade separating the East Hively Avenue and Norfolk Southern Railroad crossing in Elkhart.
The Project will eliminate the existing Norfolk Southern Railroad at-grade-crossing at Hively Avenue by creating a new grade separation (bridge) that will carry Hively Avenue over the Norfolk Southern Railroad and South Main Street. Additional modifications will be made to surrounding local streets to accommodate the new grade separation (bridge), including street connectivity, pavement improvements and new drainage infrastructure, as required for the project. The Project will improve mobility in the area by eliminating vehicle backups and congestion that occur at the crossing and adjacent intersections due to frequent train traffic.
Project Contact Information
Please follow the link to these supporting documents:
Local Representative:
Tory Irwin
Office Phone: 574-293-2572
Comments can be provided via:
Consultant Representative:
Charles Boltz
Office Phone: 317-663-8430
Or by mail at:
3815 River Crossing Parkway, Suite 20
Indianapolis, IN 46240

Purpose and Need
The project is needed to address traffic congestion, lack of mobility, and safety concerns at the existing at-grade crossing of East Hively Avenue and Norfolk Southern Railroad.
- 6,000 vehicles traveling along Hively Avenue per day
- 70-100 trains per day
The purpose of the project is to improve mobility and safety within the project area by eliminating vehicle backups and congestion while maintaining, as much as possible, access and connectivity.
Project Description
The Hively Avenue Overpass Project (the Project) is part of the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) Local TRAX rail overpass program. The Local TRAX program is a partnership with INDOT, local communities, businesses, industry and railroads to improve the quality of life for residents through large scale rail related transportation projects. INDOT awarded the City of Elkhart a grant through the Local TRAX program for grade separating the East Hively Avenue and Norfolk Southern Railroad crossing in Elkhart.
The Project will eliminate the existing Norfolk Southern Railroad at-grade-crossing at Hively Avenue by creating a new grade separation (bridge) that will carry Hively Avenue over the Norfolk Southern Railroad and South Main Street. Additional modifications will be made to surrounding local streets to accommodate the new grade separation (bridge), including street connectivity, pavement improvements and new drainage infrastructure, as required for the project. The Project will improve mobility in the area by eliminating vehicle backups and congestion that occur at the crossing and adjacent intersections due to frequent train traffic.
Please follow the link to these supporting documents:
Project Contact Information
Local Representative:
Tory Irwin
Office Phone: 574-293-2572
Consultant Representative:
Charles Boltz
Office Phone: 317-663-8430
Comments can be provided via:
Or by mail at:
3815 River Crossing Parkway, Suite 20
Indianapolis, IN 46240

Project Scope
Preliminary Preferred Alternative
Traffic Impacts
Emergency Access and Safety
Public Involvement
Project Scope
Preliminary Preferred Alternative
Traffic Impacts
Emergency Access and Safety
Public Involvement
Public Information Meeting #1 & #2 presentation dated October 20, 2020
Public Information Meeting #3 presentation dated August 31, 2021
FAQs handout from Public Information Meeting #3
Project Timeline as shown at Public Information Meeting #3
FHWA Relocation Brochure in English
FHWA Relocation Brochure in Spanish
& Plans.
Public Information Meeting #1 & #2 presentation dated October 20, 2020
Public Information Meeting #3 presentation dated August 31, 2021
FAQs handout from Public Information Meeting #3
Project Timeline as shown at Public Information Meeting #3
FHWA Relocation Brochure in English
FHWA Relocation Brochure in Spanish